Sunday, May 30, 2010


Well its Sunday and its been 3 days since my Dr's appointment. I woke up this morning worried because I had a beer and Apple pie. I not only had Apple pie 1 time but I have 2 pieces because Allan wanted his warmed up and with ice cream and I thought MMMMM that sounds good. So I said What the hell!!! Well I ran down stairs and I am down another 3 pounds and I am half a pound from being under the BIG 200!! I know that I am over obsessed with the scale, but now that its down stairs "hidden" from me I have to actually GO DOWN STAIRS, so I look at as a little bit more of exercise to add to the trip and the torment of seeing my weight.
Why we as women get so caught up in the NUMBER. Its just a stupid number and we all know that we fluctuate 3-5 pounds in days. I feel like when I get down and then go back up and then down again, its OK now. Because I know there will be a point were I will finally stick to the lower number and start the cycle over and never see that high number again. Unless of course I stop working on it. I hope that makes sense.
I am learning that I can still eat the foods I like but I am learning to make them a different way. Or find an alternative healthy brand. I have also fall in love with those FULL bars. They are really good. Allan doesn't like them but to me they taste like a small treat. The chocolate on so far is my favorite. I keep Nature Valley Granola bar stashed every where. In my purse, in my car. When I notice that my tummy is growling because I have become too busy to think about eating I grab one. Takes the hunger away until I can get home and eat something healthy, instead of stopping and grabbing a fast food. I am learning a lot about eating. Its important and you need it to live. But I think that is the key you Eat to live not Live to eat. Food is really something to enjoy but also be careful about your choice. You can still eat and eat good food. I sometime forget to eat because my medication makes me not want to eat sometimes. But after seeing my Dr she told me that its SOOOO important not to skip meals or just not eat. That was proven when she did the body mass test and I lost more lean muscle than actual fat. Your body will break down the lean before it will the fat if you are on empty because it takes more work to break down the fat. So ladies or guys if you are working out on an empty stomach, STOP!!! I am trying the protein drinks this week and see how that works out. I have to add strawberry's and bananas because it gives more servings of fruit and it takes like a treat and not PROTEIN! She told me to eat a egg or oatmeal also that is good protien when working out. But I am not and never really been a morning eater. I hardly ever ate breakfast so will see how this works for me.
Well thanks for all of you that give me encouragement and make be feel beautiful no matter my pant size!! Ohhhh speaking of pants. I bought some pants in March while I was visiting my family. I didn't try them on (I know nothing new for me) took them home and they were a little tight. So they have hung in my closet. Well I tried them on last night and they FIT!!! I actually had room in the waste !!! BUT since I am SHORT they were too long. I thought about taking them and having them hemed but you know what I am not going to be in them for long ( I can feel it) so I am going to pull a Heidi and just cut them off. :)
Well I better run I have to Aubrey off to her Jobbies thing and start my day. Thanks again for all your support!


Allison said...

Yay, good job! I knew there was apple pie and ice cream but I forgot to have some even after you mentioned it! Oops!

I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work! :-)

Unknown said...

Its OK I ate yours :) Thanks for bringing that yummy ice cream I ate even though it hurts my tummy Vanilla bean is soooo worth it!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry I made pie.... I had nothing to share and I was hung over. Damn me!!!

But you are doing awesome. I'm glad you are eating breakfast. I didn't realize you didn't eat that before. I wake up STARVING.... you should too...

It's Jen btw... I guess austin was on the computer earlier. So it's under his acct.

Amanda Nuttall said...

Hooray thats awesome!! i bought some cute new silvers and they are kinda tight, so i can't wait till they are not tight anymore! oh and i use to weigh myself over 5 times a day when i was losing weight the first time, so don't worry about it, it can definitely make you crazy!