Friday, May 21, 2010


I went to bed with this stupid head ache and woke up with it. The thought of getting my butt on the treadmill today is just nagging at me!! My butt tells me one thing, but my head hurts and is saying NOOOOO. And I want to be a little kid and say I DON'T WANNNNNNAAAA!
Now Jen B I know what you are saying. "You just have to do it as soon as you get up." That was my plan but I had to take Aubrey to school and then I got home and just didn't want to.
Yesterday I beat my time again. I did 3 miles in 60.15 minutes. That is the lowest I have gotten today. Maybe today my goal will be to just get my junk on the treadmill for at least a half hour. BLAAAHHHH .....
I guess I better since I am going to Olive Garden tonight with the girls. I am not even sure there is anything that is good for me to eat there... JEN??? Do you know??? You are my go to girl I hope you know....
Anyway sitting here isn't getting me any closer to the treadmill!


Nicole said...

Get the minestrone soup and salad. It's healthy, yummy, and inexpensive! The only bad part are those delicious breadsticks that stare you in the face! Have fun, I am jealous!

Jen said...

I was doing yard work yesterday and didn't read this until now. Nicole is rigt, that's what I would eat-- no breadsticks. Although I love them, I usually don't eat them. Hope you had fun

Love ya!! Jen