Sunday, February 12, 2012

3 Weeks

Well I am 3 weeks into my new routine. I have lost 5.5 pounds and 15 inches total. Total of 10 pounds since I starting trying to loose weight. I am happy about the results. I haven't stuck 100% to what the book I was reading told me to do. I never follow anything 100% as I am suppose to. HUMMM I wonder where my kids get it??
I haven't been posting every day because I have really ran out of things to say. I know its a shocker.
I started out 3 weeks ago doing 30 minutes of cardio doing the circuit training. I am up to 45 minutes on the circuit training. It seems to kick my butt pretty good. I have been using the My Fitness Pal to help keep track of my calories. (APP on my phone) I think that has made the biggest difference. Its amazing when you are thinking about the calories and how many you have what things you go without eating. A lot of it is just not worth it. Like last night. KayDee came home from work with a steak salad from Costa Vita. One of my favorites. I had eaten all my calories and I knew I would regret it but I really wanted some. So I looked up the calories and to my surprise with the dressing it was 1338 with 79 grams of fat. I was totally not wanting it after that. I had my friend text me to go to get Frogert right before that. Though I really wanted to go, I just didn't want the calories added to my total for the day. I give myself a free day but I find myself not really going over the top with my eating. I feel crappy the next day when I do.
Allan told me that he was going to get me candy for Valentines day. I told he would die if he did. He just laughed. I had gotten him some candy because he has such a sweet tooth. We had dinner on Thursday and we both looked at each other and said "I need something sweet!" I looked at him and said "wanna break into your Valentines candy?" I ran to the closet and got out the candy. I read all the calories in them and had 2 pieces (1/2 the serving size) instead of what I normally would of done just ate until I couldn't eat anymore. I guess what I am saying is (A) Don't eat your husbands valentines candy before its Valentines. (B) If you think about what you eat and what is in it and if its worth the size of your butt.
What I learned this week, think about what I eat before I eat it. You can still eat crap you like to have you just have to watch your calories and not do it every day.

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