Sometime I wish I was a boy. I know they are gross and hairy. But REALLY??? Why do we get all the crappy stuff? They get to worry about what??? The wind blowing wrong and getting a stiffy in the middle of a crowd?? All they have to do is sit down. Doesn't make them all crampy, moody, or bloated. I know what you are thinking we as women get to have babies and have that wonderful experience of being pregnant. WHAT THE HELL EVER! I have been there done it and it was not so pleasant. The throwing up, not being able to sleep. Having to pee at the drop of a hat. Feeling like you have to pee so bad you are going to burst, getting to the bathroom and the feeling is gone. And then there is labor! Yeah that was fun. A nurse told me once that the pain is there for a short time and once the baby lays in your arms you forget all about it. Well she lied!! I remember the pain. KayDee was late and I was in labor basically for 2 weeks. PAIN! I love my kids don't get me wrong but if their dad could of done it all, I would of let him ..
Motherhood is wonderful and wouldn't take it back but why do we have to be tortured with the monthly "gift" on top of squeezing a small melon out of something that has to be stretched out to have that melon come through. Let the men have some of the fun. Let them have the "GIFT" its one "GIFT" I would like to return. Do you have your receipt for your gift?
you're funny... mine started yesterday. JiNX! Umm well for Eric he worries about taking care of us and the house. Boys have a whole different set of worries. Periods suck -YES! I get Cramps from Hell!
Love Ya Jen
I don't like JiNX!!! I know they have a whole set of stuff to worry about... I just was in a mood yesterday. Feel better today though :)
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