Tuesday, June 29, 2010

See it in the FACE!!

So these are the latest photos of me. Its almost 20 pounds later. I can't believe it! I feel so much better in my clothes. I still have about 35 more pounds to go to be at the weight I want to be at. I am not looking to be super duper skinny. I just want to feel healthy.
Allan brought in some summer clothes in from storage on Saturday. I had a field day going through them. They were getting to big. Where last year at this time I was having a hard time buttoning them up. I usually dread the UN think able of getting out last years clothes to see how much I gained over the winter. I actually went through all my cloths and everything was fitting or too big! I put it in a big pile and didn't think twice if it was too big or I had not worn it in a year out it went! YEAH me! Poor Allan! I hope he knows that once I loose my weight I will be going on a shopping spree. I agreed to buy nothing new to wear unless its a belt to hold up my pants until I have lost so much that my pants fall off. Wont that be a great feeling!!!! I can't wait.
Its funny how fast the weight comes on and how slow it takes to get it off!! I hate it! But That is part of life I guess. You get older and your body changes. I have always struggled to keep it off. This time I am KEEPING IT OFF!!!
Today I was sitting with Amanda, holding my sweet nephew Rowan I could just eat him up! Anyway we were talking about how we would like to suck this out and lift that up. I think loosing weight is going to cost me or Allan for that matter some money. My weight has come out of my boobs before anything. I hate IT! I have always been blessed with big sisters and I don't know what I would do with out them. If I loose them all I will just have to have some enhancements done. Which is super weird for me because about 7 years ago I had them reduced because they were so big. They took 7 pounds of the sisters. HOLLY COW that is a baby!
Anyway-- I lost my train of thought on were I was going with this blog. I was interrupted so lost all thought of what I was saying. I seem to be having issues with that lately. I think I might be getting old !!

1 comment:

Allison said...

I'm guessing by the title, that you were going to talk about being able to see weight loss in your face?