Monday, January 23, 2012

Cup Cakes, Cookies and Cany

The three C's I hate. I am totally off on my posting and I know I posted already today. I am really having a hard time not eating crap! I really want some cup cakes anything with sugar. I am trying to think why I want this tasty treat. I am not hungry, I am happy, I am not depressed but I am missing the shit out of Allan. Maybe that is it. I need a sweet thing to take the place of my sweet husband. I know SICK!!
I was hoping that talking or writing about it would help talk me off the ledge. I have decided that having a free day is harder the next day. I think you get that crap out of your system and free days get it back in your system. All it gives you is that rush of junk food and you crave it more. I was good all week with my cravings. But not today. I am going to power through it. Partly because I don't want to blog tomorrow that I caved to sugar!
Why is that when we want something and can't have it we want it more. Its like when you are dating and the guy doesn't want you and you really didn't want him, until he didn't want you. Then you really want him. What kind of scene is that? I guess referring to men as sweet delicious treats isn't the best thing to compare. Because lets face it when you are dating men are far from sweet. Most that I dated were shit bags! Nothing like a cup cake.
I think I have talked myself down off the sweet tooth ledge. Thanks for letting me vent.

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