Thursday, January 19, 2012

Never Just Try

SOOOO Yes I have been bad the last two days. Well not totally bad. Just didn't post or work out for two days. I tried to eat pretty healthy. Not totally perfect but it could of been worse.
Yesterday I was consumed with a book and that's why I didn't work out. If its worth anything it was a book about changing your life style and working out. :) The book is called "Choose To Lose" By Chris Powell. He did the ABC show Extreme Make over, weight loss edition. I have to be honest I never saw one of the shows but he was on Dr. Oz (yes I am a Oz addict.) I really like his book because its about changing your life not just a diet. He made a good point in his book. Diet isn't a bad word. Its something that we are all on. Whether its a healthy diet or an unhealthy diet. I liked that definition much better. I have said from the beginning that I am not on a diet I am changing my life style. That is what attracted me to this book. He has great ideas that seem to be do able. Not like some of these "diets" that are very hard to do and don't give you many options and require gyms or equipment. This book or his ideas are more realistic and do able. If you are working on your self and just want to feel better check this book out.
Something that was in the book that really stuck in my head was a quote. And most of you that know me know that I have never in my life seen a Star Wars movie or have a desire to. This quote was quoted in the book from Yoda he said, "There is no try. There is do or don't do." I thought how wise this little green guy is. (Yes I do know who he is) I thought how true this statement is. We always say we are going to try. Or at least I do. I never say I am going to do this! I say "I am going to try this for a month and see what happens." I never give my self the full commitment of saying I am going to do this for the rest of my life. I try to give myself that out by saying "Here is my short term goal." I never look at the whole picture. I have never looked at what the out come would look like because I am scared to let myself down. That must come from being a child and always being disappointed by someone in one way or the other. Chris Powell says to see the out come to see what it would look like to be and feel thinner or to feel healthier. To look at the big picture. He says to give your self a title of what you want to become, a triathlete, an athlete, a healthy person or whatever you want to become. I haven't decided what I want to be yet. I know I want to be healthy but I have always wanted to run in a marathon, but knew I would die if I did or at least fall over 5 minutes into the race. I know there are a lot of people that walk some of those but I want to be the one to run the entire thing and know that I did it. That I ran the whole way. I also want to be the hot mom. The mom that takes her kids to school and the other moms look at me like they hate me. LOL just kidding I don't want them to hate me, we all know I hate it when people are mad or hate me. I want to be more than a pretty face. I hate it when people say you have such a pretty face and such a cute personality. I want them to say you have a nice ass Jenn!!
Today I got out of bed with a whole different out look. I was tired and still wanted to lay in bed and sleep but I didn't. I rolled out of bed (which is something else I want to do is get out of bed not roll out) and got dressed, got my water, turned on Tory and Dean's Home Sweet Hollywood and got on the treadmill. I know what you are thinking. Tory Spelling and Dean, Jenn what the hell! I can't help it I am addicted to it. Plus looking at her cute little body helps me stay on the treadmill longer. His treadmill work out kicked my butt. Its not a work out that you have to have a treadmill you can do it outside. I am just lucky enough to have a treadmill. All of his work outs are work outs that you don't need fancy equipment your body is your equipment, as Chris Powell actually said in his book. I think that the struggle I am going to have is eating. He requires you to eat every 3 hours. I am so guilty of skipping meals. He also says that people who are over weight aren't always people that over eat they are people that don't eat enough. That is me. I related with this book in so many ways.
So my new out look is DO! There is no more trying or not doing there is only do!

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