Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I work out!!!! WIggle Wiggle

Wiggle Wiggle, is what I felt like as I was working out. Man today kicked my butt. I had a harder time working out today than I did yesterday. I am a little nervous because I am suppose to move to the next level of DVDs on Monday. This one is still kicking my ass. The thought of working out now doesn't make me go AWWW SUCK! I don't wannnnnaaa do it. I actually look forward to doing it. However, today I was wanting to stop. I might have to change it up and get on the treadmill tomorrow. I just need to stay active.
I did get on the scale AGAIN today. I swear I have no will power. I lost 1.2 pounds. I am going to have Allan hide it from me and not let me have it until Monday. I was surprised at my loss because I was emotional eating yesterday. I have been waiting for this job interview to happen. One of the owners is trying to get 3 other partners together at the same time and isn't having any luck. I was frustrated because I would like to get it over with and find out if I got the job. I did try to eat healthy but last night I had cheesy toast (on white bread). I know that was a bad one. I am not going to dwell on it and give up. I am just going to move on and do better today. I haven't blown it. I think that sometimes we get caught up in the one mistake. We often think that since we ate something that wasn't healthy that we blew the whole day or week and give up and start over either the next day or the next Monday. Am I right? You know I am. We can't let that yummy cheesy toast come between us and our goals. I know that the cheesy toast was a bad choice but I think of all the good choices I made the whole day. I know that sometimes its hard to over look the bad and see the good. Most times the good out weigh the bad. Man, I am full of positiveness today. My crazy doctor would be so proud! Here is a positive from yesterday, I didn't have a diet coke! I actually really haven't craved one. The love maybe going away. It has been a long love affair but its time to move onto something else. Like water!! I have realized that I wasn't drinking any water on some days. I would add lots of ice and figured that when it melted into the coke that would count as some water. I know duh Jenn!!
Well I guess I better wrap up this rambling and get to blow drying my hair. Those of you that know me and my hair will be a curly mess if I don't do it soon!

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