Friday, January 13, 2012

Half Full or Half Empty

This morning Allan told me that I need to start looking at the glass half full instead of half empty. I was frustrated because the people I am suppose to have my third interview with keep changing the date. They are really busy and today I got an email that said he was sorry but he was going to have to put it off another week. But if I found something else in the mean he would understand and wished me the best. I guess I read it as never mind thanks for applying but I wish you the best. Allan had to stop me and tell me to re-read it and stop looking at the glass half empty.
I guess I really do with all things. I am a pessimist. I guess I feel like if I see the worst and it turns out bad I wont be disappointed. If it turns out good then YEAH! Here is my first positive thought. I haven't lost weight since Monday but I haven't gained any either! (I KNOW I AM NOT SUPPOSE TO BE ON THE SCALE UNTIL MONDAY) I have stayed the same. I am still under the big old 200 mark. Yeah for that! Well I didn't work out yesterday but I ate well. I have noticed though that I need to eat more and more often. Today I started out with a protein shake and at 11 I will have some oatmeal or scrambled eggs. Its lunch that I get caught up on. I wont eat again until dinner. I need to be eating breakfast, snack lunch, snack and then dinner. I am going to work on that and see what happens. I did work out today. It totally kicked my ass!! I think I am going to change it up and do the treadmill next week. I heard somewhere that if you change it up and trick your body you get faster or better results. I guess that is all for today. Thank you to all of you that keep me inspired and actually read my ramblings.

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